Wednesday, June 15, 2011



A. Definitions of Prayer.
1. Asking for something.
2. Speaking or talking to God.
3. A process of communicating with God.
4. An assent of the mind to God and the request for fitting things from Him.
5. The process of lifting up one's mind, heart and soul to God.

B. Reasons for Prayer.
1. To adore God as creator.
2. To implore God's help and protection.
3. To seek material assistance
4. To give thanks for all his blessings
5. To ask for mercy and pardon for sins.

C. Prayer as dialogue means...
1. An intimate sharing between friends.
2. Taking time frequently to be alone with God.
3. Dialogue in faith
4. Dialogue in truth.
5. Not a monologue (we not only talk and listen but also seek and follow).

D. Qualities of an authentic prayer.
1. Scripture based.
2. Deeper knowledge of oneself and of God.
3. Act in pursuance of building God's kingdom.
4. Perfect instrument of the spirit and faithful witness.
5. Leads to contemplation and perfect sonship of God.

E. Kinds of Prayer.
1. Individual or Private Prayer
a. Vocal
1) Formulated: according to formula
2) Spontaneous
b. Mental 
1) Formal
2) Informal

2. Public Prayer
a. Liturgical Prayer
1) Mass or Holy Eucharist
2) Sacraments 
3) Divine Office
a) Matins and Lauds: At dawn or upon rising 
(3-4 AM)
b) Prime: Morning Prayer 6 AM)
c) Tierce: at 9 AM
d) Sext: at noon
e) None: around 2 PM
f) Vespers: Evening Prayer
g) Compline: Night Prayers or before retiring.

4) Other Public Rituals or Holy Week Rites
a) Washing of the feet 
b) Adoration of the Cross
c) Blessing of fire
d) Baptismal Renewal

b. Paraliturgical
1) Bible Service
2) House/Car Blessing
3) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

F. Kinds of Prayer according to purpose.
1. Adoration : praise, honor or worship
2. Thanksgiving : thanks
3. Contrition : forgiveness
4. Petition : request

G. Characteristics of an Effective prayer.
1. Attention : mental concentration
2. Devotion : must be from the heart
3. Confidence : unshakable trust in Him
4. Perseverance : by not easily giving up

H. Effects of Prayer.
1. It merits graces from God.
2. Obtains material as well as spiritual benefits from god.
3. It brings peace of mind or spiritual refreshment of the heart.

I. Stages of prayer.
1. Vocal Prayer: any form of prayer expressed in words whether written or spoken. 
2. Discursive Prayer: the application of the mind to some supernatural truth in order to penetrate its meaning, to love it, and carry it into practice with the assistance of grace, to attribute things to God in the state of grace.
3. Affective Prayer: a type of prayer in which operations of the will predominate over the intellect. It also means merely simplified meditation in which love predominates.
4. Prayer of Simplicity: it is considered as the first grade of mystical prayer, and sometimes called as a prayer of simple gaze. It is only a question of gazing and loving experience of God.
5. Contemplative Prayer: a kind of prayer, which signifies knowledge, accompanied by delight and the knowledge usually arouses admiration and captivates the soul.
6. Prayer of Quiet (Silent Prayer): the type of mystical prayer in which the intimate awareness of God's presence captivates the will and fills the soul and body with sweetness and delight.
7. Prayer of Union (5th Mansion): that grade of mystical prayer in which all the internal faculties are gradually captivated and occupied by God.
8. Prayer of Conforming Union (Ecstatic Prayer): captivates the external senses and that of the interior faculties, which leads the soul to be totally divinized.
9. Prayer of Transforming Union (7th Mansion): known as the prelude to the "beatific life of the glory of God". It is God Himself living in man.

J. Difficulties in Prayer.
1. Causes of difficulties.
a. The mystery of God.
b. Instability of our faculties, sickness, pathological tendencies.
c. Action of the devil.
2. Distraction from within the person.
a. Lack of spiritual nourishment.
b. Lack of peace of mind.
c. Lack of preparation.
d. Lifestyle: routine
e. Recurring distractions.
1) awareness problem
2) thoughts that preoccupies the mind such as
- studies or work
- persons or individuals
- things
- sex or anything related to sex
- psychological problems

K. Meaning of the Lord's Prayer.
1. Our father who art in heaven: profession of faith
2. Holy be your name: sanctification of God's name.
3. Your kingdom come: the reign of God.
4. Your will be done: obedience to the will of God.
5. Give us this day: communion with others.
6. Our daily bread: earthly nourishment.
7. Forgive us our sins: begs for God's mercy.
8. Lead us not into temptation: asking God to guide us through the right way and not to sin
9. Deliver us from evil: victory of God over evil.
10. Amen: "Fiat" means "YES" or "so be it"


A. Meaning.
1. Etymological:
Greek word "leitourgia" meaning "public duty or work or a public worship". Thus, it pertains to the prescribed forms or ritual for public worship in the church and in its celebrations.

2. Definition.
Liturgy is the official prayer of the church and the whole family of God. It is the public worship of the church through which the priesthood of Jesus is continued, the work of redemption is renewed to greatest glory, which is given to God through Jesus Christ, and the grace communicated to the faithful; who unites with Christ.

B. Six mode of Christ's presence in the Liturgy.
1. in the liturgical celebration. 
2. in the person of his ministers. 
3. under the Eucharistic species. 
4. in the sacraments.
5. in his Word ( Scripture).
6. where the church prays and sings.

C. Essence of the Liturgy.
1. The prayer of the church community headed by Christ.
2. The summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed.
3. The fountain from which all the Church power flows.

D. Role of Liturgy.
1. Exercise of the priestly office of Jesus.
2. Means by which the faithful can express their lives and manifests to other the mystery of Jesus and the real nature of the Church.

1. Advent: a preparation for Christmas, consisting of 4 weeks.
2. Christmas Season: celebration for Christ's birth.
3. Ordinary Time I: consist of the first eight (8) weeks, recalls the words and deeds of Jesus.
4. Lenten Season: a preparation for Holy Week starting Ash Wednesday.
5. Holy Week: commemoration of the Passion and suffering of Jesus starts with Palm Sunday.
6. Easter Season: celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus.
7. Ordinary Time II: commemorates the life of the early church.

1. Purple or Violet: forgiveness and repentance
2. White: means purity, fulfillment and joy.
3. Green: hope and growth
4. Red: love, bravery, martyrdom, fire and blood
5. Black: sadness, mourning

1. December 8 : Immaculate Conception
2. December 25 : Birth of Jesus (Christmas Day)
3. January 1 : Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
4. Epiphany : movable feast, first Sunday after January 1
5. Baptism : movable feast, Sunday after January 6
6. February 2 : Presentation of the Lord
7. March 9 : St. Joseph: husband of Mary
8. March 25 : Annunciation
9. June 24 : Birth of John the Baptist
10. June 29 : Sts. Peter and Paul
11. August 14 : Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
12. September 8 : Birth of Mary
13. November 1 : All Saints Day
14. November 2 : All Souls Day

1. January 1 : New Year's Day
2. Maundy Thursday : movable date
3. Good Friday : movable date
4. April 9 : Araw ng Kagitingan
5. May 1 : Labor Day 
6. June 12 : Independence Day
7. National Heroes Day : last Sunday of August
8. November 30 : Bonifacio Day
9. December 25 : Christmas Day
10. December 30 : Rizal day

Philippines National Special day
1. November 1 : All Saints Day
2. December 31 : last day of the Year

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